You probably remember former Steeler Quarterback Bubby Brister as the sharp as a tack gun slinger for the black and gold in the early nineties. But fortunately for PSR readers and just in time for the Super Bowl, Bubby has agreed to provide us with his insight on his number one passion, no not football, fine dining. So we sent Bubby to one of Station Squares most popular eateries Bucco Di Beppo.
Exiting the tunnel brings back so many great memories of the Iron City, ice fishing on the lakes, pigeon shooting in Market Square, dropping acid with a hooker on Liberty Avenue, ahhhh and there is Hunts Stadium on the left. But PSR isn't paying me to reminisce, I'm here to talk about my trip to Bucco Di Beppo. Bucco Di Beppo is an Italian phrase loosely translated meaning "yum, greasy meatball". For those yet to visit the eatery the restaurant features themed dining rooms such as the mob room, spaghetti sauce room, and the popular Mussolini Room, where I was seated. On with the meal.
My waitress offered to start me out with a drink, I politely turned it down as I had consumed a half-dozen chimmychonga margaritas an hour earlier at the airport bar waiting for my ride. So right on to the entrĂ©e we went. I ordered Luigi's Vaticanno Antipasta. To my surprise my plate was pasta free when it arrived. I said to the waitress "I ordered the ANTIpasta, please take this back". The waitress went on to explain something about the dish that I didn’t pay any attention to. During my international studies and travels I learned that the national dish of Italy was Partini Gatto. Gatto wasn't on the menu but after a conversation with the chef he assured me he could whip some up. After I signed a waiver (had to promise not to contact PETA) the gatto arrived. I found it to be a bit gamy, similar to the "Louisiana Chat" my Momma used to make. Well, those chimmyconga margaritas are starting to make me sleepy so on my 3 lake scale Bucco Di Beppo gets 2.3 lakes.